Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wow... this stuff is old.

Lol... I realize no one but myself has probably seen, or even know the existence, of my blog... I myself just rediscovered it after three years' of stagnant action. I think I was crazy three years ago. I did, however, find this blog again because of my recreated interest to start writing again... so hopefully, I'll be able to start that up again. Most of my old works were of fan-fics, but I'm hoping that some of my ideas will finally be able to take flight once more...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

History of Squareball

NOTE: name "Squareball" does NOT mean what first comes to mind. Hehe.

DISCLAIMER: anything said on this blog pertaining to hate, racism, killing, or insulting in any way or form to anyone reading this isn't really true. I'm just saying because I'm squareball and I can. I apologize for any seemingly targeted insults or views that may not be completely agreeable to you. If this isn't enough for you, then you shouldn't be on this site and you need to get a life. Domo Arigato! P.S. that goes for you, too, dad.

Konnichiwa. Watashi no namae wa Squareball desu. [Hello. My name is Squareball.]

Eh... Mua is evil. Very evil. Not "mue-he-he-he" evil, more like "I will rule you all and exact my revenge" evil. Erm... I'm not Japanese, I just luff the language and ANIME!!!! MUAHAHAHA! Anime ROCKS!
[Exactly why I have been named Squareball. Everything I do my dad doesn't like... or is it the other way around?]
SITE IS DEDICATED TO THE DESTRUCTION AND HUMILIATION OF MY OTOUSAN. (even though my chichi/otousan - father - was the one who created this blog...)
I probably need a shrink. Eh! Being socially unaccepted and mentally incapacitated ROCKS! Until, of course, I crack and go on a shooting spree... he he! Just kidding. I hope.
Currently I am juu go, [15] and going on dead. I am too "irresponsible" to get a job (that's not what my parents say but they sure act like it) and too "childish" to drive. So I like violent Japanese cartoons. What's wrong with that? So I act like an idiot. Occasionally. So does everyone - yes, you too, don't give me that look - so what's the problem?
Japan is awesome. So is Canada, Egypt, Scotland, benign tumors, squirrels who befriend dogs, Dell, money, anime, cats, drawing, books, disobeying my dad, anime, making jokes out of things that are very serious, anime, bat guano in ppl's hair, and hating. Hating rocks! Oh! And the number-one thing. LAZINESS!! Muahahaha! (And being the smartest one in the family. ^_~)
Mexico sucks. So does Panama. Haha! So does shoveling, trees, living 5 miles from civilization, being too young, animals of whom I'm responsible for, having brothers who you can't beat the crap out of, having an uncle you hate and can't insult, my dad's get-rich-quick schemes, my 140 lb mom who claims she's fat, chores, exercise, obeying dad, blonde moments, and hugging. Ugh!And the fact that no one appreciates my geniusness.

I just realized this blog was to explain the reason I was named Squareball (not real name, dingbat!). It is because of my inability to listen and obey my parents. typical constantly-grounded never-can-be-trusted bad person. Oh well. That's who I am and I luff it! Normalness sucks. Squareball, is, as stated, a square ball. The inability to roll smoothly. I don't roll. I disobey and poke ppl's eyes out with my sharp corners. That's what you get when you play with a sharp-cornered ball, bat guano!
Eh........ that's all for the post. Jaamataashita! [So long!] Arigato gozaimasu for visiting!!!
This is the place I call"um" as I see"um"